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Can a company have more than one active purchase order numbering system?

Yes, companies can have more than one active PO numbering system. Companies can set customized Purchase order numbers per branch, and per project. 

Custom Branch Purchase Order Number

To modify your branch Purchase Order numbering system, navigate to your branch settings:

In Branch Settings, navigate to custom numbers. You are able to customize your branch PO number with the Prefix, number, and padded zeros.

Prefix: This is an alpha-numeric code that will spear before the number

Number: Indicate the starting number for the sequence (ie. if your starting number is 000121, enter 121)

Padding Zeros: Enter the total amount of number you wish to have in your PO # (ie. If your numbering system is 0000121, select 7 padded zeros.

Project Purchase Order Number

When you create or edit a project, you will have the option to set up a separate project PO numbering system. 

For Project PO #s, you have the option to set the Prefix.

When a purchase order is created, the PO # and Project PO # will appear separately: