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Setup & Configuration
Profile Setup
How can a user who is locked out of their account reset their password?
What are the different available options under email settings used for?
Where can email settings be configured?
Why is there an error when attempting to update the password?
How can I edit my profile?
How can administrators update user profiles?
Does each new user being onboarded to Tradogram need to create an account first?
Manage Company
Can a company have more than one active purchase order numbering system?
How can the credit card details on file for the company be updated?
Can a monthly subscription be switched to a yearly/annual plan?
Why isn’t the option to add more users available from the “Account & Billing” tab?
How can users be added or removed?
"What are the “Use Tradogram for” dropdown options under the company profile section, and how do they work?"
What is the maximum number of users that can be added under one company?
What does enabling white-labeling do?
What is the maximum number of branches that can be created under one company?
How can I update the number of users being paid for? How to add/remove users?
What are tax codes, and where are they managed?
What are item and supplier associations used for in GL Accounts?
How can the company logo be uploaded or updated?
What are GL accounts?
Where can company details like the name and phone number be entered or updated?
How can the email address for a user be edited or updated?
How can GL accounts be configured?
How are GL Accounts recorded and tracked?
How can a new branch be created?
How can a premium subscription be renewed?
How can I manage users across multiple companies?
Manage Branch
Can a user be assigned to more than one branch?
Can a user be deleted from the system?
Why are multiple addresses needed?
Why can’t the details for certain branches be edited?
Why isn’t an approval rule triggering when it should be?
Can branches be closed or deleted?
What is Visibility used for under user permissions?
What’s the difference between deleting a fillable form and marking it as “inactive”?
What is the purpose of having a default delivery address?
When should a new department be created instead of a new branch?
Where is the sales portal/how can the sales portal be enabled or activated?
What is a “distribution” address location?
What’s the best way to determine when new departments should be created instead of creating new branches?
What’s the purpose of a department manager?
What is the difference between the approver and the alternate approvers?
What is the difference between activated and deactivated users?
What are fillable form templates used for?
What happens if the purchase order numbering system is not set for a branch?
How can I enable supplier approvals?
What is the minimum number of users that can be assigned to one branch?
How do I set up a “distribution” address location?
What is the difference between a distribution address and a delivery address?
What happens if an authorized/designated person for granting an approval is absent or unavailable to give their approval?
What happens if a branch has no approved addresses?
Can different fillable form templates be established for each department?
What are departments used for?
How many levels of approvals can be included in the process?
What are the different types of user groups and roles? What do they each do?
What are approval criteria, and how do each of them work?
How can the time zone and currency be configured for a branch?
How can the group or role that a user belongs to be changed?
Can fillable form templates be marked as mandatory for transactions, documents, and/or profiles that match certain criteria?
How can hidden costs and use tax be enabled and applied to transactions?
How can user permissions be assigned or edited?
How can taxes be applied to individual line items instead of the entire transaction/how can per-line item taxes be activated?
Can users be in multiple branches?
How can the group or role that a user belongs to be changed?
Can users be moved between branches?
How are default payment terms and default taxes used?
How can fillable form templates be created/edited?
How can approval rules be configured?
Can an approver edit documents/transactions that they are required to approve?
Does Tradogram provide an open API (application programming interface)?
What resources are available to help with configuring the QuickBooks Desktop Integration?
What resources are available to help with configuring an integration through the API?
What resources are available to help with configuring the QuickBooks Online Integration?
What accounting software and ERP platforms can Tradogram integrate with?
QuickBooks Desktop Sync Error: Insufficient permission level to perform this action
QuickBooks Sync Error: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Vendor/Item
Resolving Quickbooks Error Code 8004041A
Do all details in a supplier profile need to be completed when importing CSV files?
What if I don’t have an email address for a supplier I am importing or entering into the database?
How can suppliers be deleted?
Why isn’t the supplier profile import option working / why is there an error?
What is a “Supplier Type” and what does each type mean?
What does “connect with this contact’s company” do?
What is the “Allow suppliers to send sales quotes to me.” checkbox option used for?
How does the system handle the same list of suppliers being uploaded from an import template?
What does each supplier status in the listing page mean?
Does every supplier need to be linked to a category?
How can supplier profiles be added and visible to multiple branches in the listing overview page?
How can a list of suppliers be imported?
How can a supplier access Tradogram’s supplier portal?
How can I evaluate or review suppliers?
How can supplier negotiations be managed on Tradogram?
Can “external items” that are added to an order also be added to the item database?
Why isn’t the “unit price” field populated for a database item?
Can an item profile have more than one custom fieldset associated with it?
What is the difference between database items and external items?
What’s the maximum number of characters that the “Name/Classification” for an item can have?
Why isn’t the item import option working / why is there an error?
Why does the number of external items added to an order need to be determined in advance?
How many specification files can be attached to an item profile?
What is the “item number” field used for on an external item line?
What is the purpose of a specification file?
What is the “Manage Custom Fields” option used for/how can custom fieldsets for items be created?
What is the “Purchase Price” field on an item used for?
What if a unit of measure (UOM) is not among the available options?
How does the system handle the same list of items being uploaded from an import template?
What is the Default Unit of Measurement (UOM) section, and what should I enter/select for “Unit Label”, “Unit Amount”, and “Unit”?
How can items have prices entered per-supplier on the system?
What file types can be attached as a specification file to an item profile?
Should the item number be used as an internal number, or for the supplier’s SKU (stock keeping unit) number?
Can custom fieldsets be automatically assigned/populated/filled with information?
What does a “reorder point” refer to in an item’s profile?
How can multiple items be deleted at the same time?
What are item bundles used for?
How can I clone and edit items when creating a purchase order?
How can items be shared between multiple branches?
How can items and suppliers be matched or associated with one another quickly?
Does the item image in an item profile appear on transactions?
How can a list of items be imported?
Can stock items be moved between branches?
Do I have to link items with suppliers?
Does every item need to be linked to a category?
Can I show both my internal number as well as the supplier or manufacturer's item number on a transaction?
What are item categories used for?
What are supplier categories used for?
How can an item be removed from the inventory page?
What is the inventory management feature used for?
Why didn’t the stock of the item that was ordered increase in number when a delivery of that item was booked in?
Where is the inventory stock management feature located, and how can it be enabled?
What is the reorder report used for?
What are notes used for on the bottom of the inventory stock level screen?
How can certain items be associated with the inventory stock management feature?
Can budgets be edited?
Why isn’t a budget being displayed / why did a budget disappear?
How can a new budget be created?
How can a budget be deleted?
Can budgets be exceeded?
Why Can't I view affected budgets?
How are budgets used for projects?
What is the “Inactive” tab for in the project listing overview?
Where is the “Projects” feature/module?
What does checking off users under the “project users” section do?
How can I split an item between multiple projects
How can a new project be created?
How are project budgets tracked?
How can users be forced to select a project when creating a transaction?
Why are users not forced to select a department when creating a transaction, despite the “Users must select a department when adding items onto and order” option being enabled?
Why do transactions have an option to select a department?
What is the “Require Supplier Acceptance” checkbox used for?
Should “Terms & Conditions” be provided in the text field, uploaded as a file, or both?
How can users be forced to select a department for the transactions they create?
Can a purchase order that includes items from several different requisitions be created?
Why are certain requisition options grayed/greyed out and not selectable when creating a purchase order?
Why can’t certain database items be added to a requisition?
Why must a department/GL account/project be selected during the creation of a requisition?
What is the difference between a request and a requisition?
How can the status of a requisition be tracked?
What is the due date on requisitions used for?
What are requisition notes used for?
How can users who submit requisitions tell where their requisition was sent for approval?
How can a requisition be approved?
How can multiple requisitions be added to a purchase order?
Can an expense be unmarked as paid?
Why must a department be selected when creating an expense?
Who can file expenses?
Where is the “Expenses” module/feature located?
Why isn’t the item database accessible when creating an expense?
Can approvals be configured for expenses?
What are expenses used for?
How are requests that end in purchase orders and requests that end in contracts different?
How can a request be cancelled? Can a request be left open for certain suppliers while being cancelled for others?
Is it possible to create a request for items not in the item database?
Why does each request need a title?
What is the “Enable discussion room for this request” option on step 2 of request creation used for?
What happens when a supplier’s offer (response to a request) is accepted?
What is the request feature used for?
What is the “Preferred Currency” option on step 2 of request creation used for?
What does the sealed bidding option do?
What are the different possible status indicators on a request?
What is the difference between an RFQ (request for quotation) and an RFP (request for proposal)?
What can be done when a request is sent to a supplier, but they don’t receive it?
What is the “Lock Fields” button on step 2 of request creation used for?
What information and response options exist for suppliers when they receive a request?
What happens if the “Save As Draft” button is used during the first step of creating a request?
Is it possible to send a request to a new supplier after it has been already submitted?
Is it possible to distribute the awarded offer(s) among multiple suppliers at the end of a request process (one request yielding multiple purchase orders or contracts)?
How can a request be reused?
How can certain fields on a request be locked so that suppliers can’t make edits to them?
How can the status of each supplier in a request be tracked?
How can supplier offers be compared?
How can suppliers that will receive a request be selected?
Can a contract be edited after it’s been created?
How can accounts payable use contracts?
What are the different ways to create contracts?
What are contracts used for?
What are the different kinds of contracts?
Can a contract be resent to a supplier if that supplier doesn’t respond?
If a contract is declined by a supplier, can it be resent to the supplier?
How can the payments and orders made from a contract be tracked/reviewed?
Can a stand-alone contract be sent to the associated supplier?
Can a terminated contract be reopened?
Can approvals be configured for contracts?
Can a supplier view purchase order and invoice data when a stand-alone contract is sent to them for review?
Purchase Orders
Can different billing addresses be used for the purposes of purchase order billing?
What can be done if a purchase order is sent to a supplier, but it isn’t received by them?
What happens when I Edit a PO I sent to a supplier?
What is the due date section on a purchase order used for?
Why does every purchase order document require a title?
What’s the difference between closing a purchase order and cancelling a purchase order?
Why are some purchase orders listed as not having been delivered?
How many status types exist for purchase orders?
What is the difference between a “Standard Purchase Order” and a purchase order “From Contract”?
Why aren’t database items appearing during the purchase order creation process/why is the “Add Database Items” button greyed out?
Why are there two PDF options for purchase orders?
Can different billing addresses be used for the purposes of purchase order billing?
What is the “Clone P.O.” option on a created purchase order used for?
What happens to purchase order numbers that have been skipped?
What information and response options exist for suppliers when they receive a purchase order?
How can a PO Due Date be edited?
How can I Edit a PO?
What are hidden costs? How can costs be added to a purchase order, without sharing them with the supplier?
How can custom purchase order serial number be configured?
What are the “Required Documents” options used for in step 2 of purchase order creation?
How can default terms and conditions be configured to apply on all purchase orders?
Can fillable forms be assigned to purchase orders?
Can more than one address, date, and/or project be entered on a purchase order?
Can a single type of inventory stock item be distributed to multiple distribution addresses at the same time during a delivery book-in?
How can deliveries be enabled, and what is this module used for?
What can be done if “Mark As Fully Received” is selected by accident, or additional updates need to be entered after the delivery is marked as fully received?
What is the difference between “quantity delivered” and “quantity received”?
Why are some purchase orders not appearing in the deliveries listing overview page?
Who is authorized to edit and add delivery addresses?
What happens when the “Mark As Fully Received” option is selected for a delivery from the listing overview page?
What can be done when the item quantity specified in the delivery note does not match the received quantity, or some received items are damaged/poor quality?
What happens when a recorded delivery entry is deleted/clear?
How can a delivery entry be deleted/cleared?
What happens when a delivery note is received from a supplier?
What can be done if a delivery note is requested from a supplier, but they refuse to send it through Tradogram?
What are the different order delivery statuses available?
Can multiple delivery notes be received from a supplier for a single purchase order?
Can the delivery notes be used for services as well as products?
What are the different statuses available for invoices on the buyer’s side?
Can one invoice be assigned to multiple purchase orders?
Why is it that some invoice records can be deleted while others can’t?
What does the “reference number” on an invoice mean?
What can be done when the “Mark As Paid” option is selected by mistake?
What is the “Invoice Notes” section at the bottom of an invoice entry record used for?
What happens when an invoice record is deleted?
If an approval for an invoice is granted by mistake, is there any way to revoke the approval?
How can the “Reject” option be reversed if it’s selected by mistake when receiving an invoice from a supplier?
How can accounts payable/accounting personnel be notified about new invoice entries?
How can a credit note be added to an invoice?
How can a deleted invoice record be retrieved/how can the deletion of an invoice be reversed?
How can I upload invoices using OCR?
How can other users view custom system reports?
What type of reporting is available?
What is the report builder used for?
How can reports be shared with the rest of the company?
General Use
Common Quickbooks Integration Errors and How to Troubleshoot
How can messages sent and received through Tradogram be reviewed?
What are messages used for?
What is CartScan?
Do discount codes and coupons get applied to recurring subscriptions?
Why am I seeing different values on the dashboard graph versus the search filter?
How are “Additional Documents” different from “Required Documents”?
What’s the maximum file size for an attached specification file?
Is there a mobile app?
Import Error - CSV column headers do not match
What is the “Save As Draft” feature used for?
What happens when an approval is rejected?
How are approvers notified when they need to approve something?
How can sales orders be sent to a customer?
How can a customer be added to the system to the sales portal?
How can a message be sent to another user on Tradogram?
What happens when an approval is rejected?
What resources are available for Sage300 Integration?
Process Videos
How can users be added or removed?
Click on the dropdown menu at the top right, and go to “Manage Company”
Click on the “Account & Billing” tab from the panel on the left
Select the “Add/Remove Users” tab from the top of the “Manage Account” panel
Choose whether to add or remove users, and then select the number of users
Click the “Submit” button at the bottom right
Manage Company
How to Use Supplier Onboarding
What is the maximum number of branches that can be created under one company?