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What are fillable form templates used for?

Fillable forms are a feature that can be used with various other features on the system, including requisitions, requests, and supplier profiles. Once a fillable form template is established, users that work with the supported features will have the option to attach a form template to the applicable transactions, documents, and/or profiles. The information to be included in the form is determined during the creation of the form template.

For example, a fillable form template might have fields that request the details of a product, a negotiation process to be followed, a review of supplier performance, and/or a final quote from a supplier. Any number of rows can be added to a fillable form template to request specific information.

In the case of fillable form templates for requests, a side-by-side comparison of the requested information received from different sources can be viewed in the request’s comparison table. To view a comparison of fillable form template responses from a request:

  1. Click “Transactions” from the toolbar on the left, and select “Requests”
  2. Click on a request that has a fillable form template attached to it. This will expand the view from the listing page
  3. An option will appear to "Compare Fillable Forms"
  4. Click on “Fillable Form Comparison”

Once at least one offer has been made, there is also a "Compare Items" option that will show on the listing page and it will also open up details of the request where another option to do a "Fillable Form Comparison" will be.

Fillable forms for requests can also be created with "Min-max", "Target values", and weighted so that the system will automatically select the supplier that matches what is valued by your company based on the inputs and will create a percentage match based on the values entered on the fillable forms.
