
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

Why are users not forced to select a department when creating a transaction, despite the “Users must select a department when adding items onto and order” option being enabled?

Users can only view departments that they’re assigned to. If a user only belongs to a single department, and the “Users must select a department when adding items onto an order” option is enabled, the items that the user places on the transaction will automatically be assigned to the single department they belong to, without a selection being required.

There are 2 ways to assign users to a department:

  1. Select "Manage Branch" from the dropdown menu at the top right
  2. Select either "users" or "departments" from the left hand side menu.

For users, you can click on the second from the left button under "actions" that says "Edit Access"

From this menu, you can indicate which branches and departments that each user has access to.

For departments:

Click on the edit button on the right hand side.

This will bring up a summary page of the department. Click on edit on the right hand side.

A handful of options will be available for that department including a list of users to select from.