
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

How to Activate TradoPay

Before activating TradoPay, review the user permission of the user who will be setting up and managing TradoPay, and enable TradoPay Admin under Administration:


To activate TradoPay navigate to the top right corner, select the drop-down, and choose “Manage Company”.

Once you are in Company settings, on the left-hand side, select “TradoPay”. This will bring you to the TradoPay configuration screen

Step 1: Register for Tradopay - Select the Register for Tradopay button. 

This will open a form for you to complete your business registration. Follow the prompts and fill in the required information to verify your business. 

Once the information is submitted, it may take 2-3 business days to verify. Once it is verified, proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Add a Bank Account. Before you are able to make payments, you need to add your banking information.

Please Note: There will be two transactions with 1-cent and 2-cent values to verify bank information. 

When adding a Canadian Bank Account

Enter the required fields for a Canadian bank account:

  • Bank Account Name
  • Bank Type (Canadian)
  • Currency
  • Account Number
  • Institution Number
  • Transit Number

Once the information is entered, review and agree to the Terms and Conditions and then click Save. 

When Adding an American Bank Account

Enter the required fields for an American bank account

  • Bank Account Name
  • Bank Type (United States Bank)
  • Currency
  • Account Number
  • ACH (or routing number)

Once the information is entered, review and agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Save. 

To verify your bank account, the bank account connected will recieve 2 micro deposits. Once these are received, the admin will need to go to TradoPay Settings and confirm the micro deposits with the drop down fields highlighted below:

Once the account is added, you will see the details on the TradoPay Configuration screen

Step 3: Activate TradoPay

Once your business has been verified and the account is added, you will be able to activate TradoPay by selecting the activate button.


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