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What Are Validations on Custom Fields?

Validations on Custom Fields refer to rules and constraints applied to ensure that data entered into custom fields meets specific criteria. These validations help maintain data accuracy, consistency, and integrity in Tradogram. 

Here are the types of validations on custom fields in Tradogram, broken down by the field type:

Short Text 

Minimum and Maximum Length

  • With your text fields, add a minimum and maximum length. You will not be able to submit when the field is less than the minimum or more than the maximum. 

Check for Required Text

  • With this validation, you can enter specific text. The text you enter must be included in the answer. 
  • Eg. If you require an email, you might use “@” as required text. 

Valid Number & Valid Integer

  • The field must be a valid number or integer
  • With this, you can also create a dependency on another custom field, where the value of this field must be greater than, less than, or between two other field values

Date Field

Date range

  • With this validation, you can choose a date range, the date field must be between these dates. 

With the date field, you can also create a dependency on another custom field, where the value of this field must be greater than (after), less than (before), or between two other custom date fields. 

Long Text

Minimum and Maximum Length

  • With your text fields, add a minimum and maximum length. You will not be able to submit when the field is less than the minimum or more than the maximum. 

Check for Required Text

  • With this validation, you can enter specific text. The text you enter must be included in the answer. 
  • Eg. If you require an email, you might use “@” as required text.