
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

How can items and suppliers be matched or associated with one another quickly?

To match items with suppliers to create new association links between the two (allowing those items to be selected from the”Add Database Items” option when creating a new transaction):

  1. Click on the “Items” or “Suppliers” tab in the left toolbar
  2. Click on the "More actions" button at the top right.
  1. READ the guidelines section! Exercise caution when using this feature, as existing item and supplier connections will be irreversibly OVERWRITTEN as a result of improper use.
  2. Choose whether associations for certain items or suppliers need to be adjusted by placing the selection in the left-hand column. Use the “Swap Columns” button at the top right of the screen to determine whether “Items” or “Suppliers” will be positioned in the left-hand column.
  1. Select the item(s) or supplier(s) to update by clicking the checkbox(s) in the left-hand column. Upon doing so, any association links that already exist between the selected item(s) or supplier(s) in the left column will be indicated by having the checkboxes in the right-hand column automatically checked off to indicate those association links.
  2. To make adjustments to any of the association links between the left and right columns, select or deselect one or more items or suppliers from the right-hand column. Keep in mind that the selection adjustments made in the right-hand column will OVERWRITE any and all existing associations that the item(s) or supplier(s) selected in the left-hand column may have had prior to the new ones currently being made.
  3. After reading and understanding fully how this feature works, click the “Save” button above the right-hand column to confirm and create the new set of association links between items and suppliers.

Please note that this is also a critical factor in the transaction creation process. If you add items first when creating a requisition or purchase order, items have to be associated with suppliers in order to add database items and sort by supplier.