
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

What can be done when a request is sent to a supplier, but they don’t receive it?

Request forms can be resent to suppliers. From the request overview listing page, locate the request the supplier is involved in and click on it to expand the request details panel, then select the “Resend Email” option from the right hand column of the status table.

If a different email is required for a supplier, the supplier’s contact details in their profile can be updated. To update a supplier profile (with access permission granted to do so):

  1. Select “Suppliers” from the toolbar on the left
  2. Click on a supplier to open the corresponding profile window
  3. Click on the “Edit” option from the top right
  1. In the right hand column of options, enter a new email address for one or more supplier contacts
  1. Click the “Save Supplier” button in the bottom right to confirm and update the supplier’s contact details

Upon using the “Resend Email” option from the request overview listing page, the system will use the most up to date contact details when forwarding the request form.

Note: Updating supplier details will only work for suppliers that are not using a Tradogram account to interact with request forms directly on the system. If a supplier is using a Tradogram account, that supplier will need to update their own contact details on the system.